Five Facts About Glenbard’s Referendum

Five facts about Glenbard District 87’s plan to improve our high schools

Fact 1: All Glenbard High Schools Receive Safety and Security Improvements

The safety and security of our students must be the highest priority when addressing facility needs. If our referendum passes, safety and security features of all Glenbard high schools will be enhanced.

Fact 2: Labs and Classrooms Will Be Updated

Much has changed in the many years since our high schools were built. For our schools to continue to serve our community, classrooms and labs in all of our high schools are in need of updates to accommodate best practices in education.

Fact 3: The Physical Condition of Our High Schools Will Be Protected

In total, our four high schools represent a $1 billion investment by our community, with the “newest” building being more than 50 years old. Just like with your home, the buildings need repair, renovation and upgrades to remain in good working condition — things like roofs, windows, electrical and plumbing systems. Failure to address these needs today will only result in higher future costs as conditions deteriorate. 

Fact 4: Continuing Responsible Financial Planning

For many years, our students have excelled even though we spend less per pupil, and spend less on our buildings, than nearby high school districts. Because of sound district financial planning:

  • 40% of the dollars needed to fund the facility improvement program will come from the district ($129 million of $312 million). Our referendum is for $183 million.
  • The tax rate of Glenbard 87 has continued to decline. In fact, since 2015, Glenbard 87’s tax rate has fallen 36 cents. Even if the referendum passes, the district’s tax rate will remain well below its rate from a decade ago.

Fact 5: High Quality Schools Contribute to Community Pride and Maintain Property Values

Our community has provided its children with public high schools since 1916. Quality schools are one of many factors that make our community such a special place to live, raise a family and invest in our homes.

For more specific information about our proposal, go to our referendum page.

To learn about voting, visit the DuPage County Election Division.