Board Agreements

Behavioral expectations

  • Start with the common belief that everyone has good intentions.
  • Create a safe environment for the productive exchange of ideas.
  • Sincerely listen and seek to understand the viewpoints of others.
  • Solve problems through a collaborative process where all participants support the decision and actively work toward it implementation.

Concerns from the community and staff (“Customer” concerns)

  • Board members will listen carefully, remembering they are only hearing one side of the story.
  • Board members will then direct that person to the person in the district most appropriate (Chain of Command) who is able to help them resolve their concern.
  • Board members handling concerns in this manner will clarify that one board member has no individual authority to fix a problem.
  • Board members will call the superintendent if they think this is an issue of concern.
  • The superintendent will call the board member who contacted him with follow-up information when appropriate. 

Speaking with one voice

  • No individual board member other than the board president, per board policy, has the authority to act or speak on behalf of the board without the consent of the board.
  • Board members have an obligation to express their opinions and respect others’ opinions.
  • Board members understand the importance of speaking with one clear voice to both the superintendent and the community.
  • Board members have the right to disagree with the decision of the board, but will support the board in its decision by abiding by the will of the majority.

Asking questions about items on upcoming meeting agendas    

  • Whenever possible, board members will contact the superintendent, or any of the assistant superintendents with a “cc” to the superintendent, with any questions on the agenda prior to the board meeting.
  • Board members understand that although they are asking the question(s) prior to the meeting, they have a right to ask the question(s) at the meeting as well.
  • When an individual board member receives information, it will be provided to all board members. (“One gets, all gets.”)

Visiting campuses

  • Board members who plan on visiting a school (that their children do not attend) will call the superintendent prior to their visit.

Communicating with the media

  • The board president is the spokesperson for the board to the media.
  • Board members may state their personal opinion to the media, but will reinforce their support for the decision of the board and their willingness to abide by the will of the majority. 

Meeting with staff

  • Board members will include the superintendent in any meeting discussing district business with staff or people who do business with the district.
  • The board president will meet at least annually with designated association presidents.

No surprises

  • No one (superintendent or board members) gets surprised at any time – in the meeting or between meetings.
  • The truth of no surprises is respect for all participants and the process.

Closed session meetings

  • Board members respect the confidentiality of privileged information and will not divulge conversations, discussions, or deliberations that take place during a closed session meeting.
  • Board members understand that to divulge closed session information not only damages the relationship of the team, but has the potential for far reaching consequences which may impact future district operations.

Use of email/texts

  • In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Board members will not “reply to all” to any district email.
  • Board members will be judicious in their use of email and texts and understand that most emails and texts are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and as such can be made public.

Written                        December 16, 2013

Revised                       February 3, 2014

Board Approved         March 3, 2014

Reviewed                    August 28, 2017

Reviewed                    August 27, 2018