The following is a 2019-20 compilation of information regarding novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) that we have shared in Glenbard News, our e-newsletter, and posted on our website.
Stay up to date with information by subscribing to Glenbard News here. If you have questions about Coronavirus, call the Illinois Coronavirus hotline 800-889-3931 or send email to: [email protected]
Available Food Banks
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Clean Your Hands fact sheet
Comcast Low-Cost Internet
COVID-19 Community Resources
DuPage County COVID-19 dashboard
DuPage COVID-19 testing
DuPage Health Department
Food Assistance
Glenbard News archives
Glenbard News Signup
Handwashing at home, play and out and about
Helpline for Families
Illinois Department of Public Health
Lavado de manos en casa, en donde jugamos y cuando salimos
National Association of School Psychologists Tips
National Association of School Psychologists Tips (en Espanol)
Schoology, How to Get Started
Schoology, How to Get Started (en espanol)
Stop the Spread of Germs fact sheet
Glenbard News for June 24, 2020 Posted 6/24/20 at 1:12 p.m.
Glenbard News for June 19, 2020 Posted 6/19/20 at 11:48 a.m.
Glenbard News for June 16, 2020 Posted 6/16/20 at 11:24 a.m.
Glenbard News for June 12, 2020 Posted 6/12/20 at 12:47 p.m.
Glenbard News for June 10, 2020 Posted 6/10/20 at 10:28 a.m.
Glenbard News for June 9, 2020 Posted on 6/9/20 at 11:53 a.m.
Glenbard News for June 5, 2020 Posted 6/5/20 at 11:37 a.m.
Glenbard News for June 3, 2020 Posted 6/3/20 at 10:20 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 29, 2020 Posted 5/29/20 at 11:37 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 28, 2020 Posted 5/28/20 at 11:10 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 27, 2020 Posted 5/27/20 at 10:25 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 26, 2020 Posted 5/26/20 at 11:09 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 22, 2020 Posted 5/22/20 at 10:44 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 21, 2020 Posted 5/21/20 at 11:21 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 20, 2020 Posted 5/20/20 at 10:56 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 19, 2020 Posted 5/19/20 at 11:16 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 18, 2020 Posted 5/18/20 at 10:53 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 15, 2020 Posted 5/15/20 at 8:52 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 14, 2020 Posted 5/14/20 at 10:55 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 13, 2020 Posted 5/13/20 at 10:17 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 12, 2020 Posted 5/12/20 at 11:38 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 11, 2020 Posted 5/11/20 at 4:43 p.m.
Glenbard News for May 8, 2020 Posted 5/8/20 at 9:35 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 7, 2020 Posted 5/7/20 at 10:02 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 6, 2020 Posted 5/6/20 at 10:34 a.m.
Glenbard News for May 5, 2020 Posted 5/5/20 at 11:27 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for May 4, 2020 Posted 5/4/20 at 1:09 p.m.
Read Glenbard News for May 1, 2020 Posted 5/1/20 at 10:10 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 30, 2020 Posted 4/30/20 at 11:18 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 29, 2020 Posted 4/29/20 at 11:58 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 28, 2020 Posted 4/28/20 at 11:51 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 27, 2020 Posted 4/27/20 at 10:43 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 24, 2020 Posted 4/24/20 at 11:57 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 23, 2020 Posted 4/23/20 at 8:42 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 22, 2020 Posted 4/22/20 at 11:08 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 21, 2020 Posted 4/21/20 at 11:50 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 20, 2020 Posted 4/20/20 at 11:58 a.m.
Read Governor suspends in-person learning for remainder of school year Posted 4/17/20 at 3:40 p.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 17, 2020 Posted 4/17/20 at 11:12 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 16, 2020 Posted 4/16/20 at 11:05 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 15, 2020 Posted 4/15/20 at 9:27 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 14, 2020 Posted 4/14/20 at 12:01 p.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 13, 2020 Posted 4/13/20 at 11:35 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 9, 2020 Posted 4/9/20 at 10:51 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 8, 2020 Posted 4/8/20 at 12:26 p.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 7, 2020 Posted 4/7/20 at 12:01 p.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 6, 2020 Posted 4/6/20 at 10:49 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 3, 2020 Posted 4/3/20 at 12:21 p.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 2, 2020 Posted 4/2/20 at 11:20 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for April 1, 2020 Posted 4/1/20 at 12:16 p.m.
Read Glenbard News for March 31, 2020 Posted 3/31/20 at 5:46 p.m.
Topic: Governor’s order will keep schools closed through April
Read Glenbard News for March 27, 2020 Posted 3/27/20 at 11:26 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for March 26, 2020 Posted 3/26/20 at 1:13 p.m.
Read Glenbard News for March 25, 2020 Posted 3/25/20 at 10:59 a.m.
Read Glenbard News for March 24, 2020 (Posted 3/24/20 at 11:11 a.m.)
Glenbard News for March 23, 2020 Posted 3/23/20 11:18 a.m.
Message from Board of Education president
Dear Community Members,
On behalf of the Glenbard District 87 Board of Education, please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your support of our students and staff as we make our way through these unprecedented times.
As I receive updates from Superintendent David Larson and parent feedback, I am genuinely impressed with how students, parents, guardians and our staff are working together to continue students’ learning through our e-learning program and support basic needs, such as our free lunch and snacks program. The flexibility, creativity and innovation that we’re seeing is inspiring. The partnership between our parents, guardians and staff is having a significant positive impact on the lives of our students and their families.
These are challenging times for everyone, but they can be especially difficult for our students. Thank you to everyone who is supporting, motivating and caring for our students.
In these quickly changing times, it is important to stay connected. Visit our website for updates, and sign up for our e-newsletter, Glenbard News. Also, follow Glenbard on social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Thank you for your support and understanding as we all work through this evolving situation. We are resilient, and we will persevere.
Judith Weinstock
President, Board of Education
Update re: governor’s stay at home order Posted 3/20/20 7:54 p.m.
Dear Staff and Community,
On Friday, March 20, Gov. Pritzker issued an executive order requiring residents to “stay at home” effective Saturday, March 21, at 5:00 pm, through the end of April 7. As part of the governor’s order, he announced that school will remain closed, with a new tentative reopening date of April 8. We recognize that this development may raise questions about the impact on students, staff, and families as well as the school’s vital role of providing meals to students and families while schools are closed. We anticipate further guidance and details from the Illinois State Board of Education next week. The governor’s office provided FAQs about the stay at home order.
While the governor’s stay at home order limits mobility within the community, know that our comprehensive and rigorous e-learning framework is providing students with meaningful and relevant learning experiences each day. It is important that each student stays abreast of expectations. We appreciate your partnership as we work together in upholding active participation and effort as we continue to provide a quality educational experience for students.
During this stay at home order, essential school personnel may still report to work as long as they are practicing social distancing. We want you to know the governor’s office has assured school districts that school personnel involved in providing meals will not be in violation of the governor’s executive order and that we can, and should, continue with our program, which has had a tremendous impact in making sure our students are not going hungry while school is closed.
In addition, the governor has made it clear that, while he’s serious about using social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19, he wants residents to still be able to work, shop at grocery stores, put gas in their cars, take walks outside and get medication from the pharmacy. Rest assured, we are committed to doing our best to provide meals and deliver continuity of education.
Please use this opportunity to focus on staying safe and helping to slow the spread of the virus. As always, thank you for your patience and support as we all work through the COVID-19 Pandemic. As you have seen, this situation is evolving rapidly. As events unfold, we will continue to communicate in a timely and transparent manner.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Glenbard News for March 20, 2020 (posted 2:08 p.m. March 20)
Today’s news:
Two park district sites added to grab and go lunch program
Our students and families in need may pick up free grab and go lunches and snacks at any of our high schools or at new satellite sites located at the front entrance to Fountain View Recreation Center in Carol Stream and the Glendale Heights Aquatic Center. This service will be offered from 10 a.m. to noon Mondays through Fridays. Students are welcome to go to any of these locations. Please take advantage of this offer. Special thanks to our Park District partners for providing a location for our families to pick up lunch and snacks.
Mindfulness and countering COVID-19 stigma
Our student services staff provide the following resources:
Some tips and guided video on mindfulness during this time for students and parents
NASP Resource on combating COVID-19 Stigma and Racism
Board of Education will meet on Monday
The Board of Education will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, March 23, at the administrative center, 596 Crescent Blvd. in Glen Ellyn. We will implement social distancing protocols. It will be a brief meeting, given the current circumstances. A meeting agenda is available here.
GPS resources available online
During this challenging time, we thank you for your patience as we work to reschedule our spring Glenbard Parent Series events for the 2019-20 school year. We have options below to keep you connected to our renowned speakers along with amazing content and resources.
Check out our five-minute Take Five video library where we highlight the presentations of our most recent speakers with bite-size videos for both students and families.
Mindfulness Practices to Foster Focused, Relaxed and Happy Children and Teens was presented last week when we hosted Dr. Chris Willard. Here is a link to Willard’s presentation and slides.
Materials from other previous speakers can be found on each presenter’s page at Click on the Past Speakers tab.
The wellbeing of our participants is our highest priority. We wish you and your loved ones the very best. Thank you, and please stay safe.
Community food assistance
If you or someone you know needs food:
Support others through donation to PEP foundation
Individuals have been kind about wanting to support families in need. If you would like to help, you may donate to our foundation, the Partnership for Educational Progress (PEP). The PEP Glenbard Student Support Fund provides assistance to students with financial need in all Glenbard high schools. You may donate here.
Technical support for students
Students with technical difficulties may submit a technical help request online. Students may also call the technical support phone line at 630-942-7777 and leave a message with your first and last name, school, ID number, call back phone number and a description of the issues. A tech support person will call you back during school hours. For instructional support, contact your teachers via Schoology or Gmail.
E-learning: tips for working offline
There may be times when students do not have access to WiFi for their Glenbard iPad, or that the WiFi is too slow to work well for some tasks. We’ve put together some tips to help students manage how they work. These will make it easier and more efficient to work with limited WiFi. The tips are available here.
IEP/504 meetings during e-learning
During this time of e-learning, our schools will still conduct IEP/504 meetings via phone conference in order to stay in compliance with special education regulations. All IEP/504 team members will be given a phone number to call with an access code. Special education department chairs and secretaries will be calling and emailing families with this information if an IEP/504 meeting is needed. If you have any questions, please contact the special education department at your home school.
Social distancing
A key factor in lowering the pace and extent of the spread of COVID-19 is practicing social distancing, which is the practice of reducing close contact between people to slow the spread of infectious diseases. Social distancing measures include limiting large groups of people coming together, closing buildings and canceling events. We recommend students stay home. We would discourage students meeting in groups for school work or any Glenbard activities.
How to support your student
Our school psychologists want to support families during this difficult time. They suggest that everyone read this document (Spanish version here) from the National Association of School Psychologists to get tips about how to support your student.
Glenbard News for March 19, 2020 (posted at 12:45 p.m. 3/19/20)
Today’s news:
E-learning: tips for working offline
There may be times when students do not have access to WiFi for their Glenbard iPad, or that the WiFi is too slow to work well for some tasks. We’ve put together some tips to help students manage how they work. These will make it easier and more efficient to work with limited WiFi. The tips are available here.
App for healthy routines coming tomorrow
Our social workers want to support students and families during these unusual times. Tomorrow, please look in the Glenbard App Catalog for ATracker, a tool that may help you and your student monitor habits throughout the day. The Glenbard App Catalog is on each student’s Glenbard-issued iPad.
Given these unprecedented times in public education, keeping a healthy routine is very important for students’ physical, intellectual, and social-emotional well-being. It is important early on to help your children organize their day so they can establish positive routines while at home. Routines will help provide structure to their day, and ensure that students do not fall into the trap of negative habits: too many video games, too much social media, poor eating habits, no exercise, too much or not enough sleep, etc.
You may find this app helpful for guiding your child to establish healthy routines.
Status of spring activities
We understand there are questions about spring activities, including prom and graduation. We will provide an update about spring activities after spring break. We’re operating in a fluid situation with frequent updates from the state. We’ll let you know the status of spring activities as soon as we know.
Assistance with meals
We are providing meal service to our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program. Sodexo is providing grab & go lunch and snacks at each of our schools for our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program. Pickup takes place from 10 a.m. to noon at each school’s main entrance.
Starting on Tuesday, March 24, in addition to our grab & go program, we will deliver meals in the community. We will provide location information to our affected families.
Community food assistance
If you or someone you know needs food:
Support others through donation to PEP foundation
Individuals have been kind about wanting to support families in need. If you would like to help, you may donate to our foundation, the Partnership for Educational Progress (PEP). The PEP Glenbard Student Support Fund provides assistance to students with financial need in all Glenbard high schools. You may donate here.
Reminder re: importance of social distancing
A key factor in lowering the pace and extent of the spread of COVID-19 is practicing social distancing, which is the practice of reducing close contact between people to slow the spread of infectious diseases. Social distancing measures include limiting large groups of people coming together, closing buildings and canceling events. This graphic was provided by the Illinois Association of School Administrators.
Glenbard News for March 18, 2020 (posted 3:09 p.m. 3/18/20)
Today’s news:
Adjustment in student grades
As you’re seeing in your personal and professional life, the implications of COVID-19 are fluid, with frequent updates every day. We have received a new mandate from the Illinois State Board of Education regarding student grading. Beginning March 19, grades may be issued to students, but only if they improve students’ grades. This shift reinforces the importance of students’ continued effort, being engaged and completing assignments. For details, review our Academic Hot Topics Related to E-Learning.
IEP/504 meetings during e-learning
During this time of e-learning, our schools will still conduct IEP/504 meetings via phone conference in order to stay in compliance with special education regulations. All IEP/504 team members will be given a phone number to call with an access code. Special education department chairs and secretaries will be calling and emailing families with this information if an IEP/504 meeting is needed. If you have any questions, please contact the special education department at your home school.
Assistance with meals
We are providing meal service to our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program. Sodexo is providing grab & go lunch and snacks at each of our schools for our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program. Pickup takes place from 10 a.m. to noon at each school’s main entrance.
Starting on Tuesday, March 24, in addition to our grab & go program, we will deliver meals in the community. We will provide location information to our affected families.
Community food assistance
If you or someone you know needs food:
Bagdasarian named next York principal
Last night, the Elmhurst School District 205 Board of Education approved the appointment of Glenbard East Principal Dr. Shahe Bagdasarian as the next principal of York High School. He will begin his duties on July 1, 2020.
We are excited for Dr. Bagdasarian’s new opportunity, but sad to know he will leave Glenbard East in a few months. We appreciate his strong leadership at Glenbard East and wish him the best in this next chapter. We will develop a principal search process and are confident we will identify an individual who will be an ideal match.
Bagdasarian said, “I have been privileged to have the opportunity to work with a remarkable and dedicated staff at East over the past 11 years. Glenbard East is an amazing school and I am proud of our student accomplishments and their commitment to strive for excellence. In addition, I am thankful for the unwavering support from the entire Glenbard East community. I will deeply miss our staff, students, parents and the communities that I have had the honor to serve during my time here.”
Glenbard News for March 17, 2020 (posted 3:46 p.m. 3/17/20)
Read below for information on:
As we are participating in e-learning days, we know families are dealing with a lot and there are some questions. Please see the following information and resources to support you during this challenging time.
During the State of Illinois mandated school closure in March, our current guidance from the state is official grades for student work cannot be recorded. Every day, we are receiving updated guidance from the state regarding when we will be able to start recording grades officially again. We will update families promptly once that is determined.
Some students may question why it is important to work hard and continue to learn during this period if official grades are not being assigned. The answer to this question is that it is vital that students continue to develop their academic skills on a daily basis, as research shows that reading, writing, and mathematical fluency will decrease over time if not practiced.
In short, the less frequently students use these skills during the e-learning period, the more time it will take them to get their fluency back when we return to normal. The impact of this learning loss will be:
Students with technical difficulties may submit a technical help request online. Students may also call the technical support phone line at 630-942-7777 and leave a message with your first and last name, school, ID number, call back phone number and a description of the issues. A tech support person will call you back during school hours.
For instructional support contact your teachers via Schoology or Gmail.
Our school psychologists want to support families during this difficult time. They suggest that everyone read this document (Spanish version here) from the National Association of School Psychologists to get tips about how to support your student.
Please email or leave a voicemail for your student’s school psychologist, social worker or school counselor if you have questions about how to support your student during this unusual time.
The following suggestions can help students and adults cope with stress and/or anxiety and de-escalate:
Individuals have been kind about wanting to support families in need. If you would like to help, you may donate to our foundation, the Partnership for Educational Progress (PEP). The PEP Glenbard Student Support Fund provides assistance to students with financial need in all Glenbard high schools. You may donate here.
During e-learning days prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are providing meal service to our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program.
Our food service provider, Sodexo, is providing grab & go lunch and snacks at each of our schools for our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program. Pickup takes place from 10 a.m. to noon at each school’s main entrance, front lobby area.
Starting on Tuesday, March 24, in addition to our grab & go program, we will deliver meals in the community. We will provide location information to our affected families.
If you or someone you know is in need of food:
Please review additional community resources on our website.
Glenbard North Pathways Night is canceled for tonight? Interested families can sign up for the program by following these instructions:
Glenbard E-Learning Update 3-16-20
Posted 3/16/20
Dear Glenbard District 87 Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for your patience, flexibility and support during these unprecedented times. We greatly value your partnership as we navigate through the unique journey of providing a quality educational experience for each of our students. The following are key updates regarding E-learning, meals provided, social distancing and student email news:
Please take the time to discuss with your son or daughter the important daily schedule and expectations so that they are keeping pace with each class’s assignments and activities. Review our helpful E-Learning FAQ .
Meal Service
During e-learning days prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we will provide meal service to our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program.
Starting on Tuesday, March 17, our food service provider, Sodexo, will provide grab & go lunch and snacks at each of our schools for our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program. Pickup will take place from 10 a.m. to noon at each school’s main entrance, front lobby area.
Starting on Tuesday, March 24, in addition to our grab & go program, we will deliver meals in the community. We will provide location information to our affected families later this week.
Attendance and Grading
It is important that all of our students continue to learn in this difficult time. Daily attendance at e-learning is important and will be recorded for our local tracking purposes. Teachers will provide feedback to students through Schoology. Any assignments/assessments given from March 17-27 will provide the means for students to assess their individual progress. You can view your students daily instructions, classwork, submitted assignments and teacher feedback in Schoology. If you’re not already accessing Schoology, learn how to get started on Schoology here and in Spanish here.
Social Distancing
The purpose of these building closures is for our school district to support the public interest of social distancing. We recommend students stay home during these building closures. We would discourage students meeting in groups for school work or any Glenbard activities.
Student Email Updates
Please encourage your student to check their Glenbard Gmail regularly as we navigate E-Learning. There will be important information from teachers, administrators, counselors and support staff while we are away from school. In addition to Schoology messages, Glenbard Gmail will be important during this time as mass communication can be sent.
Again, thank you for your support during this challenging journey. I’m confident that, while not ideal, together we can ensure the next few weeks will be productive and meaningful for our students.
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Social distancing recommendations
Posted 3/14/20
As we prepare for students and staff to participate in e-learning, consider the following information about social distancing provided by the Center for Disease Control and the DuPage County Health Department:
Social Distancing is a very drastic measure, and for it to be effective and not anxiety producing for our students, we ask that you take the following actions with your students and families based on recommendations by the CDC and the DuPage County Health Department:
Keep following the practice of washing your hands regularly and covering your cough or sneeze by coughing or sneezing into your elbow. Review resources and information here.
Please share this information with your friends and family.
Glenbard food delivery to start on March 17
Posted on 3/13/20
During e-learning days prompted by the pandemic, we will provide meal service to our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program.
Starting on Tuesday, March 17, our food service provider, Sodexo, will provide Grab & Go lunch and snacks at each of our schools for our students who are eligible for the federal free or reduced meal program. Pickup will take place from 10 a.m. to noon at each school’s main entrance, front lobby area.
Starting on Tuesday, March 24, in addition to our Grab & Go program, we will deliver meals in the community, based on our summer school bus route locations. We will provide this information to our affected families next week.
E-Learning starts Monday, March 16
Posted 3/13/20
Yesterday, March 12, 2020, we sent you a letter outlining changes as required by the Illinois Department of Public Health. The changes are intended to limit exposure to potential COVID-19 cases in the coming weeks. The situation is fluid and changing rapidly.
Out of an abundance of caution, Glenbard High School District 87, is announcing the following changes:
We will provide food to students in need starting Tuesday, March 17. Details will be announced soon.
The purpose of these building closures is for our school district to support the public interest of social distancing. We recommend that students stay home during these building closures. Glenbard students should not meet in person for school work or any Glenbard activities.
Information about our e-learning plan is available here and in Espanol, Gujarati and Urdu.
Thank you,
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Comcast offering 2 free months of internet
Effective March 16, Comcast is offering two months free to new Internet Essentials customers in response to recent and anticipated emergency measures associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Click here for details.
Posted 3/12/20 at 6:23 p.m.
Dear Glenbard District 87 Community,
Currently, there have been no confirmed COVID-19 cases in Glenbard District 87.
Even so, with the number of cases across the state and region increasing and as a result of our communications and coordination with the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD), Glenbard District 87 is taking proactive measures to help to reduce the spread of illness throughout our community.
Although we are not closing school at this time, Glenbard District 87 is implementing the following measures until further notice:
We will evaluate whether or not these performances and events can be rescheduled at a later time. Please be diligent about checking websites and calendars for the status of specific events.
If we do have a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Glenbard District 87, we will close school for 24 hours. At that point, the DCHD would help us assess the situation, evaluate our cleaning and disinfection practices, and reduce the risk and vulnerability to students. We would then work on a plan to move forward. Until then, school will remain open and we will continue our cleaning and disinfection practices as directed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We will revisit these protocols as necessary.
If it is necessary to close school, Glenbard will move to an E-Learning model. All Glenbard students and teachers have iPads and access to Schoology, a learning management system. More information is available here and in Espanol, Gujarati and Urdu.
As we receive new information, we will send it to you as soon as we can. Check our website, where we post all messages that we issue and other resources and monitor future Glenbard News updates. Click here to sign up for Glenbard News.
These are unprecedented times. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this situation together.
Thank you,
David F. Larson, Ed.D.
Glenbard News 3/11/20
Coronavirus update: what you need to know
As you may be aware, Lombard School District 44 schools are closed today after an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 attended a volleyball game at Glenn Westlake Middle School in Lombard last week. See District 44’s information here.
It’s important to note we have not been advised to close any schools as a safety precaution as no direct contact has been reported.
Read Glenbard East Principal Shahe Bagdasarian’s March 10 message to families here and Glenbard South Principal Sandra Coughlin’s message to families here.
We are engaging in several activities to keep Glenbard safe and healthy, including:
We will constantly monitor our schools’ status in case the situation changes; as of today, we have not been recommended to close schools.
Cleaning Information
Our contractor, ABM, follows routine cleaning and disinfecting with an EPA-registered product. ABM uses a hospital grade disinfectant designed for use in healthcare and other facilities where cleaning and prevention of cross-contamination is critical. They are responsible for cleaning and sanitizing classroom desktops, restrooms, cafeterias and other building spaces. We have also asked ABM to clean high touch areas during the school day as well. Further, ABM will perform a facility deep clean over spring break at all of our schools.
In addition, we purchased hand sanitizer products and disinfectant wipes for school use. We have received our initial order of these items with more product on order. Also, we will order tissues for classroom use. The assistant principal for operations at each school will coordinate distribution of these items.
Continue to follow previously provided guidance:
Information will be shared on our website, in Glenbard News and emails and phone calls to families and staff. Review our COVID-19 updates here and here.
Glenbard News 3/10/20
We continue to monitor the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation. While there have been no reported cases in DuPage County, we continue to collaborate with the DuPage County Health Department and follow the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Illinois Department of Public Health. The situation with COVID-19 is fluid, and as it evolves, there are many questions. We would like to share with you the CDC’s responses to frequently asked questions. Review the FAQs here and share the link with your friends and family so they have the facts.
With spring break coming up, it’s important to be aware of travel advisories. For answers to travel-related questions, please review the CDC’s COVID-19 Information for Travel Reminder: the CDC has issued Level 3 travel notices, as of March 5, for Italy, China, South Korea and Iran. Everyone should avoid nonessential travel to these countries, and if travel occurs, the recommendation is to quarantine upon arrival home for 14 days.
On our website, use the Select Language feature at the top of the page to translate information we post into Arabic, Gujarati, Spanish, Urdu or Vietnamese.
Please help to keep our students and staff safe by staying informed, practicing good hygiene and staying home when sick.
Glenbard News 3/6/20
Centers for Disease Control offers handwashing tips
We continue to monitor news about the novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19), and we want to remind all that washing your hands, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, and remaining at home when sick or feverish are the best ways to prevent the spread of flu or other respiratory illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide the following tips regarding handwashing.
Handwashing at home, play and out and about
Lavado de manos en casa, en donde jugamos y cuando salimos
Glenbard News item 3/5/20
Request re: reporting a student absence
In order to monitor health and safety, we are asking that when you notify us of a student absence due to illness, you share (yes/no):
We are focused on maintaining a safe and healthy environment for everyone in our buildings.
Glenbard News item 3/3/20
Communication Plan re: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
We are closely monitoring the situation involving the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and are working with county, state and federal health authorities. As information is available or changes, we will post information here and include it in Glenbard News, our e-newsletter. For information on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and other important information from Glenbard please subscribe to Glenbard News here.
The health and safety of our students and staff is our No. 1 priority. We follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations to prevent any infection of a respiratory virus, including:
Note: The Illinois Department of Public Health does not recommend:
Health officials say it’s not too late to get a flu shot and they encourage people to do so. Preventing the spread of flu will help prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19.
Helpful resources:
DuPage County Health Department Stop the Spread of Germs
2019 n-CoV What the Public Should Do
Health Department Tips Regarding Clean Your Hands
Wash your hands with soap and water when visibly soiled. If soap and water is not available, use alcohol-based handrub (wipes or gel). See example here
How to wash your hands with soap and water:
How to clean your hands with an alcohol-based handrub (if soap and water unavailable):
How it works:
Instructions obtained from the DuPage County Health Department.
There are currently no cases of coronavirus in our buildings and no recommendations to cancel classes or activities. We are in conversations with the DuPage Regional Office of Education and Illinois State Department of Education and awaiting further guidance should an extended closure of school be required.
Regarding cleaning in our buildings, current guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health states, “At this time, no special sanitizing processes beyond routine cleaning are necessary or recommended to slow the spread of respiratory illness.” We follow standard processes for routine cleaning and disinfecting.
The CDC has issued travel health alert warning notices for Italy, China, South Korea and Iran, encouraging people to avoid nonessential travel to these locations. Health officials recommend that any student returning from mainland China, Italy, South Korea or Iran should not attend school for 14 days after the return date. Family members of these students should not go to work if they also visited mainland China, Italy, South Korea or Iran.
While it is natural to feel apprehensive when facing a challenge like this one, it is important to be well informed and remain calm. Information about the coronavirus is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, as well as the Illinois Department of Public Health website.
If you have questions about coronavirus, call the Illinois Coronavirus hotline 800-889-3931 or send an email to [email protected]
Posted 2/26/20
Coronavirus information from state and CDC
We are aware of the recent statements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the coronavirus. We continue to follow CDC recommendations to prevent any infection of a respiratory virus, including:
Additional information about the coronavirus is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, as well as the Illinois Department of Public Health website.
Illinois coronavirus hotline and email address: If you have questions about Coronavirus, call the Illinois Coronavirus hotline 800-889-3931 or send email to: [email protected]
Thank you for your continued support in keeping our students and staff safe.
Glenbard News item 1/29/20
DuPage Health Department shares coronavirus fact sheet
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China. The DuPage County Health Department posted a coronavirus fact sheet here and in Spanish here.
For information about coronavirus, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s frequently asked questions document here and the Illinois Department of Public Health’s frequently asked questions document here.
For further information, contact the DuPage County Health Department at 630-221-7553 during business hours or at 630-682-7400 after hours.
GPS webinar with Dr. Amishi Jha
GPS webinar and in person at Glenbard South with Dr. Amishi Jha
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